அன்றோர் இளைஞனின் சுடு நிணநீர்ச் சுவையறிய அவாக் கொண்டு இருள் …. முழுதாய் திருகோணமலையை நிறைத்தது.
அன்றைய திகதி ஏப்ரல் மாதம் 18, 2012……. இரவு 8.45 நிமிடம்…. ஐயனார்கேணிப்பகுதியில் தனது மனைவியின் வீட்டில் இருந்து குச்சொழுங்கை ஊடாகப் பயணித்து அவன் பிரதான படலைக்கு வந்தான்.
அவனது மோட்டார் சைக்கிளின் வெளிச்சம் மட்டுமே அங்கு இருந்தது….. பிரதான படலையைத் திறக்க முனைந்தபோது அவ் வெளிச்சமும் மிகக் குறைந்து… இன்னும் சிறிது நேரத்தில் அணைந்து விடும் அந்த ஆத்மாவைப் போலவே மினுக்கிட்டது…… அமைதி….இருள்;;….. சலனமற்ற அக் கணத்தில்… அவனருகில் யமன்…. அடுத்த சில கணங்களில் கழுத்தறுந்த அந்த இளைஞன்… உயிர் பிரிந்து வெளிச்சென்ற உடல்…. மரணம்…. கொலை….. அதன் கதை….. ஒரு கொலையின் கதை.
விரைவில் தொடர் ஆரம்பம் …..
மாயன் | எழுத்தாளர்
இக்கதை நகர்கின்ற காலத்துடன் ஊடகங்களில் வெளிவந்த சில பதிவுகளை வாசகர்களுக்காக…
Sri Lanka police seek Interpol assistance to arrest British wife for killing Tamil cricketer in East
Thu, Jun 7, 2012, 11:10 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Jun 07, Colombo: Sri Lanka police had sought assistance from the Interpol to arrest a British woman who had given a contract to kill her husband, a Tamil cricketer in eastern Sri Lanka.
The 28-year-old cricketer, Eshwaradasan Ketheeswaran of Trincomalee was found brutally murdered with his throat slit on April 18 in the eastern city of Trincomalee.
Following extensive investigations the authorities have arrested two suspects, a pilot aged 30 and his accomplice, an air force deserter, aged 26 for the murder.
Ministry of Defense
Exposed: TamilNet allegation on the death of UK deportee!
Wife’s illicit affair leads to killing of husband
It was with much gusto that the pro LTTE tamil media such as Tamilnet reported the killing of Eshwaradasan Ketheeswaran (28) of Trincomalee alleging involvement of the security forces in his death.
It was alleged that Eshwaradasan Ketheeswaran was deported from the UK in 2010 and was living alone at Paalaiyoottu in the city of Trincomalee. It was also alleged that on 18th April he was visiting his aunt and went out for shopping and upon his returned had reportedly told his relatives not to go out as strange persons were wandering around the house. It claims that he was killed when he left the house later.
But in reality, the truth is far more different. Uncovering the truth the Sri Lanka Police today said it has sought assistance from INTERPOL to apprehend the chief suspect, the wife of the 28-year-old Eshwaradasan Ketheeswaran of Tricomalee.
Extensive investigations by the authorities led to the arrest of two suspects aged 30 and 26. Upon further inquiry it was revealed that the victim’s wife had developed an illicit relationship with the 30 year old suspect. The suspect who is said to be a pilot had committed the heinous crime on the bidding of his lover. It was also uncovered that the wife gave the suspect a £1750 contract to kill her husband.
The INTERPOL is scheduled to issue ‘red alert’ for the woman’s arrest.
Sunday Observer :
The latest incident was reported by the pro-LTTE media, including the one-time mouthpiece of the terrorist outfit – Tamilnet. It reported the killing of Eshwaradasan Ketheeswaran, a 28-year-old youth in Trincomalee, alleging that the Security Forces had a hand in his death.
It alleged that Ketheeswaran, a young cricketer deported from the UK in 2010 and lived alone at Paalaiyoottu, Trincomalee, had been killed by the Security Forces last April. It even said that he had visited his aunt on April 18 and gone shopping subsequently. According to these reports, Ketheeswaran, on his return, had told his relatives that some unknown persons had been loitering near his house. It claimed that he was killed thereafter when he left the house.
Due to the untiring efforts of law-enforcing officers, the exact circumstances that led to his death have now been disclosed. Though Tiger sympathisers made a song and dance of his death, in actual fact it is far different. The police, having investigated the circumstances of his death, has now sought Interpol assistance to apprehend his wife – the chief suspect.
Two suspects had been arrested earlier after extensive investigations. It is said that one of them had developed an illicit relationship with Ketheeswaran’s wife. The suspect, a pilot, had committed this dastardly crime on his lover’s bidding. It has been also disclosed that the wife had given the suspect Sterling Pounds 1,750 to execute the contract.